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February News From Jeff Iverson
March 1, 2024

The last paragraph of the monthly message always addresses those team members who celebrate five years or more on the Ram team.  During the month of February, the Ram also celebrates its anniversary.  Cue the band ….. on February 26th your company will be 53 years young.  What a fabulous journey we are on. 

            As we stand here today in 2024, 53 years from our inception, the scene in our restaurants is vastly different than 1971.  I thought for a moment about painting a picture of many of the changes at the Ram the past 53 years, however, I feel like I write about that often.  Not to disappoint, give me a few months and I will regal you with old stories about Little Tim Diggins and Tallchos.  I know, the anticipation is unbearable. 

            The picture I want to send to you this month is what I want, what I expect, the dining experience at the Ram to look and feel like for every guest every day.  So, here it is – a few weeks ago someone asked me to tell them what Gracious Hospitality looks like, what it feels like.  It looks and feels like this …. When my wife and I have guests for dinner at our house the evening goes as follows.  First, the driveway, sidewalk and front porch will be clean, free of kids’ toys and there certainly will be no cigarette butts anywhere.  When our guests ring the doorbell we will quickly open the door for them, smile, make eye-contact and greet them with a hug or handshake.  We will take their coats and ensure that the dog does not jump on them.  The inside of the house will be clean and orderly.  Candles will be lit, lights will be dimmed and appropriate music will be playing at the appropriate volume.  Perhaps a nice red wine will be poured in a sparkly clean glass to accompany a little appetizer.  We will talk about the wine, food, our kids, sports and other things of common interest.  We will enjoy a unique meal together that we typically do not have at home.  After dinner the dishes will be cleared for me and my wife to do later after our guests leave.  We might have a little dessert as we spend more time connecting.  As the evening winds down, my wife and I will get their coats, thank them for coming and walk our friends to their car.  That is what Gracious Hospitality looks like and feels like.  I have been telling that story to our teams since 2004 as my way of describing Gracious Hospitality and defining the dining experience we all want our guests to enjoy.  That helps paint the picture of Gracious Hospitality at Ram Restaurant Group.  Our enduring culture of Gracious Hospitality is the main reason why Ram International will be celebrating anniversaries for years and years to come.           

            Happy February Birthday wishes to:  Gary Conibear and Megan Miller.

            A heartfelt “thank you” to the following team members who celebrate significant anniversaries with their Ramily this February:  Lauran Anguiano Davalos (8 years), Hannah Weathers (10 years). 

Believe it!  High expectations are the key to everything.

~ Sam Walton

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